Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tired . . . Very Tired.

As I said yesterday I’ve been at the Team 14 off-road training camp this weekend. I’m beat! Two days of hard rides have been good training, but have left me drained (as they should).

Here are a couple of funny pictures from the rides.

We got real muddy on Saturday:

My new Lakes are nicely broken in:

This is what happens when you wheel suck on muddy gravel:

Here is some vintage southern Iowa. There is 40 years of vehicular history in this family’s back yard:

Here is another picture from the drive back. I saw this sign a few years ago but didn’t have camera with me. I asked a friend to take a picture of the sign. It still makes me laugh. How much for the babies?

I saw today that they have covered up the babies portion of the picture. They must have gotten tired of people stopping to take pictures.

It’s also Amish country. We saw several teams of horses training for their season. You could tell the Amish houses because they had no cars in the driveway, and had no electrical wires running to the house.

I’ve also put a write-up on the Team 14 Blog.

1 comment:

mr. f. g. superman said...
