Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Single Speeding Again

I took the Rig out again last night. Lately I’ve been riding the Rig more, because I was going to go single speed in the Iowa Game MTB race. But as I ride it more, and improve my single speed skills, it’s become more fun to ride. Last night I worked on a slow cadence climbing technique that I read about in a single speed article in Mountain Bike Action. The technique helps you get past the dead spot at the top of the pedal stroke. As you move through power part of the stroke, slowly move your body away from the bars. Then when you get to the dead spot at the top of the stroke, throw your upper body towards the bars. This adds enough forward momentum to get you back to the meat of the stroke (all this while rocking the bike with the Ergon bar ends). It sounds funny (and probably looks even funnier), but it does work. I also now remember seeing Squirrel doing the same thing it (although he’s such a natural talent, he probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it). Once I figured it out, it feels very natural. I made it up a few short, steep climbs last night that had previously given me some trouble. I hope some of this transfers back to the Fuel, making me a better climber on a geared bike.

I rode at Peterson’s and on the Bear Creek trail that I cleaned up last night. It sure takes a lot longer to navigate a trail with a weed whacker than it does with a bike

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