Thursday, March 27, 2008

An Update

It has been sugeested to me that I get up out of the basement and do an update. Here goes.

I've just been really, really busy. Not just with the basment, but with team stuff. Amatuer hour in the basement is drawing to a close, and now it is time to bring in the pros, so hopefully that time suck will slow down a little.

If you are on the MOB, you know that I've been busy there also. The new MOB kits came in, and they rock! I hope we'll be seeing a lot of them this race season.

I've also started riding my bike to work whenever I can. Any day that I do, I get about two hours of riding in. Cool. I didn't ride today though. It looks like a frickin' winter wonderland out there right now.

Got to go. Later.


Paul said...

Great to hear from you Paul. I can't wait for the second order of the MOB kits. I hope that you can get enough people for a second order.

Ken Follis said...


How are you doing? It has been over a year since I contacted you about your Follis Fixie but I misplaced your email address since we last corresponded and time to research has been precious little. I am deeply sorry to just now be contacting you. My wife had baby number 6...yes six (3 boys/ 3 girls) and "life is coming at me fast". Perhaps you can imagine why I am just now getting around to seeing if it is still available. If not, I want you to know how much I appreciate your generosity in the offer. Here is my email address:

I am able to make the trip any weekend now.

Ken Follis

Paul Varnum said...

OP -

Not a problem. There will be another kit order. Did you ever send and e-mail with exactly what you wanted?

Ken -

Great to hear from you! The bike is still hanging in my garage with your name on it, literally. I'm glad you were able to track me down again. I'll send you an e-mail and we'll work out the details.

mr. f. g. superman said...

Any chance non-team members can get a jersey?

Paul Varnum said...

Ineb -

Absolutely! We have a team member status that we refer to as a "social member" of the team. That means you, for whatever reason, don't want to race for us, but still want to hang out with us. I'm pretty sure you qualify for that category! I'll send you an e-mail with the details.

mr. f. g. superman said...

I plan on doing a bit of racing, perhaps with a jersey to wear I'll be a bit more tenacious about it...whatever that means. Wasn't sure if I'd even be fit for you guys, especially being on the West coast these days, but I'll take what I can get.

Paul Varnum said...

Ineb -

Even better! With you in Oregon, and Carney in Colorado, we are becoming a national team - LOL.

And besides, you are a perfect fit for this team.