It looks harmless, but the going is actually pretty hard! 3 inches of slop will do that. Imagine riding through a margarita.
I even got into the woods some. In areas where the snow was tracked down, the riding was pretty sweet. In the more remote areas, not so good.
I got some strange looks, and some incredulous comments. "I can believe you're riding your bike back here", and "Don't you fall alot?" Yeah, I do fall alot, just not today.
The views were worth it.
Maybe if it freezes up, the woods will be ridable again.
Hey Paul. I'm heading back to Ames this weekend one last time before finally moving to Fort Collins. If it's nice maybe a ride is in order!
That would be great! Right now Sunday sounds like the better day. Wanna say Sunday, 10:00, Ada Hayden north shelter?
Oh, and all are welcome.
I should be there.
Cool. Sunday 10:00 it is. I hope Carney can make it!
Great winter biking blog (currently), I should take lessons and take a decent camera with me (cell phone sucks).
Hey Lance -
I've been following your winter race through a few other blogs. I'm not sure how I got to be a winter rider. I guess it's because I live on a gravel road, and ride with a few guys that don't know when to stop riding their bikes.
Check out my Jan 27, 2007 post for a couple of good winter riding pictures.
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