Monday, November 19, 2007

Back in the Saddle

I rode a bike for the first time in nearly 3 weeks! OK, it was only up the driveway and down the gravel for 100 yards or so, but it was riding.

It was just too nice a day to let it pass. A ride report? It hurt a little, and I did some of it was one handed (like most things I do these days). But now I have that first one out of the way. The next one will be a little easier, and hurt a little less.

But don't worry, I'm gonna take it slow.

During my recovery, more than once I've thought of Tyler Hamilton, who broke his collar bone in a crash during the finishing sprint on the first stage of the 2003 Tour de France. He not only rode on to finish the Tour, but won a stage doing it! That's gotta hurt!

And I can barely ride my bikw up the driveway.

You can read Tyler's account of the 2003 Tour here. It's a pretty good read.


BB said...

Sure Tyler rode the rest of the Tour. You see how drugs/doping can keep one going....

Paul, you need to borrow my LWB recumbent. No need for your collarbone to ride it. In fact, it's the only bike in my stable that allows you to hold a beer in one hand and steer with the other while crusing along. I've pretty much done that on the recumbent all across Iowa during RAGBRAI.

Hey, it even does great on gravel.

Carney said...

You should try a hands required there!! in theory, you could hold 2 beers!!

Paul said...

Hmmmm. Two beers and a unicycle sounds like a broken neck to me! %^)

Glad you are healing up!

Paul Varnum said...

Bruce -

I was pretty doped and couldn't even dress myself for the first couple of days. I don;t care what he took. That had to be some serious pain.

Carney and OP -

Beers or not, I'm gonna break something If I only got one wheel to work with. I'm looking at doing some slow gravel sometime soon. Prolly on a soft, upright, suspended mountain bike.